Vacation, Visitor and Tourist Information

Maps, Things to Do, Airline, Weather and FAQs about Rincon, Puerto Rico

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Getting to Rincón, Puerto Rico is Easy!

The most commonly used airport in Puerto Rico is in San Juan's International Airport (airport code SJU) which is an easy 2 1/2 hour drive from Rincon. The Mayaguez airport (airport code MAZ) is about 15 minutes from Rincon and has commuter flights for connections from San Juan using Cape Air.


However, there is a major airport just twenty minutes from Rincon at Raphael Hernandez Airport in Aguadilla (airport code BQN). Currently BQN is serviced by Jet Blue, United and Spirit Air with direct flights to Orlando, Ft. lauderdale, Newark and New York City.


About Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States, and it's citzens are citizens of the United States, there is no passport needed to travel to Puerto Rico.

The currency is the US dollar.

Spanish is the official language, however there are many English speakers throughout the island.

Call 911 for emergency service.

For more detailed information, visit the Puerto Rico Travel Info Page (a bit slanted to the San Juan area, but a great reference): 

Rincon Government Directory  -